Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GREAT parenting advice...

Here is the great parenting advice I promised...
If your child has the cognitive ability to design a Binky chain...the fine motor skills to manipulate the binkies to create the binky chain...coupled with the communication skills which allows her to share her excitement about her binky chain...  then your child is WAY too old for a binky!!!

**If anybody wants to offer me some advice on how to take away these binkys without turning the child into a raging monster then by all means pass it on to me and I will pass it on the mother of the beautiful little girl pictured above...**


Becky Rodli said...

Not sure it will work for your little cutie, but we cut the ends of the binky. At first we just cut a tiny bit off the end thinking that when it was flat she would not want to suck on it. Fat chance. She figured out how to keep a flat binky in her mouth! We eventually cut off the whole tip but let her hold onto the handles for awhile. (She was the type to sleep with one in her mouth and one in each hand) After a week or so the binky remains just started disappearing and she seemed to not know the difference. Good luck!

Jodee said...

What a hoot! No advice from me. We have two thumb suckers here! I don't know which one is worse!

Emily said...

She is too funny! And smart I may add:) Um I have no advice, as I was one of those moms-who-will-not-give-her-child-a-paci and HELLO have you met my paci obsessed boy!!!! At least you won't have to go through it with Levi. Love you Abbie! Keep on Suckin'(but on a serious note what about sending them off to "sea", mailing them to Brayden because "he is a baby and needs them, and she is a big girl", or bringing them to a store for a staged "trade-in" for a toy?)Let me know what you do to kick the habit, as I will be there in a few years!

Heather said...

OMG...that is funny!!! Love it!!!

Autumn said...

At a year I told my son he could only have his binky at sleep times and in the car. We also gave it to him if he was teething or sick. For about a week, he fused. At age two we talked about how binkies were for babies like his friend Nuria and not for big boys. I gave him a few days talking about this and then just took them. He complained for about a day and then he was done.

Good luck!