Saturday, January 5, 2008


This is my second pregnancy...the first being with Sophie. This pregnancy felt very differently from my pregnancy with Sophie and for that reason I believed it was a boy. I was so confident that the day before the ultrasound I went on and bought a lot of baby blue...Besides how could a mother's instinct be wrong??

Well I was a tad bit wrong...we are having a little girl!!! We are thrilled! Three little could I ever complain or be disappointed!! But that does not mean that others do not act disappointed for me...of course I have to hear, "'s another girl" I can't help but get irritated, why would anybody be upset with the gender of their child??? Maybe it irritates my inner core b/c in China there are thousands of little girls that are thrown away soley b/c of their gender...It's God's plan and He has blessed us with three little girls...THANK YOU GOD!

And I will end with a cute picture of my little blessings


stollmyheart said...

Congrats on baby girl #3! That's GREAT news!

JMCS said...


What fabulous news. I don't know why - but I just had a feeling that another little princess was on the way. What a wonderful blessing and you are such a great Mommy. :)
