Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Sweet Ella!
On Saturday we celebrated our 2nd official Gotcha Day with Ella. I was actually sick this weekend so poor Ella did not see much of her mommy but I was sure to wish her a Happy Gotcha Day! She loves hearing about our trip to China...so we reminisced about our first meeting (which we often do)...she always giggles now when I tell her how she didn't like Mommy at first...I think it's hard for her to even imagine...let's hope it stays that way-even through the teenage years...
I can't even begin to imagine our life without Ella. She is such an amazing child with such a huge heart-which I know I say a lot. I know God has huge plans for this little one and I can't wait to see those plans unfold. We are so incredibly blessed to have Ella as our daughter...and even 2 years later I am still taken back when I hear her call me "mommy"...still in awe of God's perfect plan...
We love you so much Ella!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Too cute...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ella's birthday...8 days later
I did post a Happy Birthday post and then forgot to post about her actual birthday...seriously-blogging can be so confusing!!! I don't know how people post about events (with pictures) on the actual day of the event...how do you find the energy after a long day to download the pics from your camera onto the computer...only then to wait forever to upload (or download-honestly I have no idea the difference) to flickr and then try and come up with a cute post...that is a lot of work!!! Anyway I really digressed...here are some cute pics from my sweet little Ella's birthday!
We let her unwrap one gift in the morning before school...since she learned to tie her shoes a couple months back we decided to get her a new pair of sneakers...she LOVES them!
Ella and Abbie enjoying Ella's birthday doughnuts...

She just loves Ni Hao Kai Lan
She told us that her favorite part of the day was when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her...that was her favorite part last year too!
(I also let her have orange soda for dinner...hence the orange mustache!)
Blowing out the candles...
We love you, Ella!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween 2009
Sorry this is almost a week late! Anyway...the girls had a fun Halloween-well Ella had a fun Halloween until all the scary monsters came out and then she called it a night. Our village has set trick-or-treating hours so I made sure to get the girls right out at 5 in hopes that Ella would make it to more than a couple houses before getting freaked out...well we made it to about 6 houses and then the wagon had to make a u-turn back to our house so Ella could stay home with Daddy and Abbie and help pass out candy. Just like last year we all met up around 7 on our front steps and the girls binged on candy and helped pass out nerds rope to the trick-or-treaters!
We had a neighbor who rented a cotton candy machine and gave out little bags of cotton candy...funny story about that to follow...
I am so happy I got this picture...to somebody who wasn't there it just looks like Ella enjoying cotton candy and Sophie walking back into the house...but this is how it REALLY went down:
-Sophie finishes all her cotton candy
-Sophie then turns to Ella and asks Ella to share her cotton candy
-Ella looks at Sophie like she is crazy and tells her "NO! You already ate your cotton candy!"
-Sophie screams, "I'm going inside! Nobody is being nice to me! Why is nobody being nice to me??...another Maddie moment (John and Kate plus 8-they definitely have the same flair for drama!)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Ella!
My dear little Ella turns 4 today! I can't get too mushy because I need to save that for her 2nd official "Gotcha Day" post that will be coming up in a couple weeks...so as I did for Sophie I will make a list of sweet little things she does at this time...
Mommy, Daddy, Sophie and Abbie love you so much, Ella! We hope you have the best birthday ever!