We had a beautiful Easter this year. Amazing church service, great weather, the whole family together at our house...could not ask for much more. Here are some pics from our Easter...I had to wake the girls up so we would have time to do all of the "Easter festivities" AND make it to church by 9!

Sophie hugging her new beaver...that is what she had asked the Easter Bunny for...

Easter Egg hunt (inside)

Ella LOVES "boy things"...this includes Spiderman and Batman-so the Easter bunny left her a Batman shirt in her basket...Mommy quickly had to make guidelines for when this shirt could be worn!

Ella's new Ni Hao hat...

The Easter Bunny left new bikes in the family room!

Abbie got a late start to the festivities-she decided to wake up about an hour after the girls...

She was quite intrigued by her slinky...look at her serious face!

Riding her new turtle...

Sneaking a few jellybeans before church...

Trying out her new bike in the kitchen...

Mommy and her 3 little Ladies...

Abbie and her BFF Kenzie

Easter Egg Hunt outside
Big Girls

Ella spotted this purple egg in the tree...notice how high it is-Sophie so sweetly told Ella she would get it for her...she tried for about 10 seconds and then realized there was no way she was getting that egg and gave up...

AND then there is Ella...she shimmied her way up the tree in like 3 seconds and grabbed the egg-she seriously is sooo strong!!!

Easter Egg hunt for the babies...
(they were hardcore...as you can tell by their faces!)

Daddy and Abbie waving goodbye to our guests (which I now realize I have NO pictures of...oops!)