Happy Happy Anniversary!

Greg and I just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary on Saturday! I still can't believe it has been six years...My soon to be sister in law made the comment, "Wow you guys sure packed a lot into six years"...which got me thinking...WOW we really did pack a lot in six years...
Got married...got pregnant...bought house #1...had to say goodbye to my Dad after he lost his fight with cancer...had my beautiful Sophia Hope...sold House #1...bought house #2...decided to adopt from China...SURPRISE-got pregnant again....travelled to China to get our sweet little Ella Irene (4 months pregnant)...gave birth to my sweet little surprise, Abigail Grace....sold house #2....bought house #3....WOW!
I am so so blessed! Thank you Greg for all you do for our family! May God continue to bless our marriage and family...I love you with all my heart~
I am going to expand my horizons and follow and get to know others and their blogs that actually care to know me in return. HA!! Nice to meet you and your beautiful family.
Happy Anniversary!
Holy cow! You have had six busy years! You are so blessed -- even with your little surprise! She is just adorable!
You were a beautiful bride too!
Hope you have a great week!
Happy Anniversary!! Wow! You really have packed a lot into those 6 years! Here's to many, many more happy, jam packed years!!
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