As I have mentioned many times my dear little Ella has a heart of gold...she is so sweet and there are many of times that I have prayed her sweet side would rub off on my dear little Sophie...but I'll save that for another post. The other night Sophie began to cry (which is not uncommon) so I figured she was arguing with her sister so I did not investigate right away since it did not sound like a "hurt cry"...soon after Ella ran and found me to inform me that Sophie's "finger was stuck". I found Sophie with her finger stuck in her dollhouse entertainment center (which has a rotating TV above the fireplace)...anyway I quickly removed her finger from the toy and held her while I walked into the other room. I then went back to the room to show my sister what toy it was and strangly enough I could not find it...it disappeared! Then Ella came to me and said she put it away so Sophie would not get hurt anymore. I asked her to show me where she put it and she quickly walked me to their playroom...there on one of the higher shelves amongst her stuffed animals and baby dolls was the ill fated entertainment center. I am so thankful that at 3 years old Ella knows how to think of others...she was certainly blessed with the gift of compassion! Oh my sweet Ella...

On another note...my dear Sophie was always put down for naps in an orderly fashion...we followed the babywise approach and it was amazing...she would go down for a nap at a scheduled time and was sleeping through the night at 8 weeks...I felt so successful and would proudly share (and maybe brag) about my parenting skills to all those who would ask if my baby was sleeping through the night...Well Abbie turns 8 months tomorrow and she has yet to sleep through the night...my Babywise book was cracked open once when Abbie was about a month old and then quickly packed away after I realized the Babywise author was NO WAY writing that book for mothers with more than one child...so that leaves my dear little Abbie falling asleep in a bouncy while her mommy chases her two sisters around on a Saturday morning trying to get them ready for a birthday party...So sorry Abbie...but mommy loves you to pieces!