prepare yourselves for a lot of beach/pool photos.
we spent a lot of time just hanging out
i couldn't of asked for more.
here is a picture of abbie doing the "mermaid jump" dance.
i have no idea.
she comes up with some crazy things.
i told the girls that i would take each of them out early to see the sunrise.
there were many cloudy mornings but we certainly had a good time looking for shells and enjoying the 1:1 time
sophie was first to enjoy some mommy time.
she was so excited to find a sand dollar!
although not the sunrise we were hoping was still beautiful!
oh i love my girlies!
ok i have to tell this story so i dont forget it.
i had to pack for 5 people for 2 WEEKS before going on this vacation
i packed like a champ and did not forget anything (well not a necessity anyway) ;)
daddy had 1 person to pack for...
and guess who forgot his swim trunks?
and guess who had the nerve to ask me, "you packed my swim trunks, right?" (after realizing he had forgotten them.)
so here is a pic of daddy in his walmart swim trunks. :)
levi loved snuggling in his towel....
so much though that he fell asleep on his mommas lap!
this was one of my favorite memories of the trip
my little guy sleeping peacefully in my lap
the water hitting my toes
my girlies playing with their daddy behind me.
it was wonderful!
this was one of my favorite memories of the trip
my little guy sleeping peacefully in my lap
the water hitting my toes
my girlies playing with their daddy behind me.
it was wonderful!
oh i could eat them up with a spoon!
of course we had to visit the horse farm! :)
thier favorite horse was still there!
here is a picture of abbie with the same horse 3 years ago. :)

the girls always asked to eat lunch out on the porch.
it was just so cute.
i would hear them talking and telling stories out there.
i just love the bond they share (when they are not fighting!) :)
i felt bad putting levi in a tube intended for a child much
but with 4 littles it was so hard to watch them all at the same time.
this was a lifesaver!
making ice coffee for mommy!
trying to catch a baby crab. :)
momma and her 2 babies. :)
part 3 coming soon sometime! :)