Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas tree hunt

in true whitacre fashion we set out to find the perfect christmas tree the saturday after thanksgiving. 

it was a beautiful day..a little too beautiful for my taste.  this momma needs some snow when hunting for a christmas tree! however, it was kind of nice not to have to bundle the littles. 

the girls were off as soon as we got there



as was levi. 


and he even found a couple trees that tickled his fancy.



as did abbie


soon the littles got bored with mommy who was saying no to all the trees they were picking out
so they started to play hide and seek 





and just when momma was getting bored and ready to settle for a small little dinky tree i caught a glimpse of the whitacre 2011 christmas tree.


sadly it was not this tree. this tree was our tree's stunt double since our tree was actually a precut tree that was leaning up against a big maple tree. i tried to get daddy to lay down and pretend he was cutting down our precut tree but he wasn't having it. poor sport.

and since i am not used to buying a precut tree i was quickly thrown into a tizzy and forgot to get a family picture at the tree farm.  apparently it doesn't take much to throw me off. 

i did remember to get some pictures of the littles enjoying their cocoa though.  





and don't you think for a second that i could close this post without pointing out the fact that abbie had the SAME boots on that the girls had worn three years in a row!! yes that's right...4 years of wear out of these boots!  the best part you ask?  i bought these emu boots for $10 four years ago!

year 1

year 2

year 3

year 4 (and this vest the same one Sophie was wearing in years 1 and 2!)  it's all about the hand-me-downs!

Monday, December 12, 2011


we had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year with lots of food and family and much to be thankful for. 
 i didn't really take any pictures but that's ok because it means I was able to enjoy the moment!  I did have to get my camera out to capture a cousins pic though. 


is this couch exploding with cuteness or what?  
  I love that all these littles are all 6 and under and i love that they all can be divided into BFF pairs...Kenzie and Abbie (3 months apart), sophie and ella (1 month apart), and levi and brayden (1 month apart).  how much fun!

and here are some things i am grateful for this year
-the fact that i have a God that loves me more than i will ever be able to comprehend
-my amazing hubby that will sometimes surprise me with a sonic soda  when i get home from work...and since i mentioned sonic i have to say i am thankful for happy hour at sonic where i can get huge flavored sodas for me and my hubby and slushies for each of the littles for under $5! oh yeah!
-thankful for my four little gifts from God
-thankful for our health
-thankful for our beautiful home
-thankful that my sister and her family live in the same village so we can visit on a daily basis
-thankful that my mom does so much for our family!

God is so good and i have to be better at giving thanks everyday for all the blessings He bestows upon us...